Archive for History – Ideology – Culture
Question the use of mercenaries, and how some countries manage without the military?
Question: How much autonomy, how much self-determination does the Canadian Military have?
Prof. Samir Gandesha introduces the student-panel on the Theodor W. Adorno Symposium at SFU – Vancouver, Canada on November 29, 2019
11-minute video
33-minute video of a video conference from France
52-minute video
50-minute video
Professor Wolff goes delivers an in-depth analysis of the USSR’s strengths, weaknesses, successes and failures from its revolutionary beginnings in 1917 to its implosion in 1989.
Trent University Professor Bryan Palmer describes with nostalgia, the historical highlights of Social resistance from the 60’s to the 90’s to now.
Other videos from the same conference:
The Dissolution of Marxist Humanism by Ian Angus
The Struggle Against Technocracy by Andrew Feenberg
Yves Engler, historian and political scientist, exposes the fallacy of the “Peaceful Canada”, and how the Left and the Right are normalizing and perpetuating a flawed narrative.
Opening remarks by Alessandra Capperdoni
Peter Ives – (University of Winnipeg) – Gramsci, Language Politics and Hegemony
Response -Professor Emeritus Jerry Zaslove – (SFU)
Giuseppe Vacca – (Italy) The Crisis of the State in Europe between the two wars…
Response – Jerry Zaslove and Giuseppe Vaccca
Jaleh Mansoor – (UBC) Pessimism of the Intellect and Optimism of the will
Andrew Feenberg (SFU) Absolute Historicism in Gramsci and Lukacs
Frank Cunningham – (U of T) – Current Crisis in Democracy
Michael Denning – (Yale) – Every one a legislator
Jason Moore speaks about his latest book, “A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN SEVEN CHEAP THINGS: Nature, money, work, care, food, energy, and lives.
Jason Moore- Questions Part 1
Jason Moore- Questions Part 2
The Honourable Dr. Jean Augustine, Visiting Scholar at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada presents a workshop, titled “A Look At Mahatma Gandhi and Dr Martin Luther King Jr: Teachings/Challenges Pose for Today”
John Lutz presents the historical facts of public characters John and Joseph Trutch.
Truth and Reconciliation needs to begin by returning the original names of rivers, territories, cities and streets.
Reconciliation with the First Nations requires BC to stop displaying monuments which proudly commemorate notorious individuals who caused painful memories to Aboriginal inhabitants.
Political Scientist Andre Vitchek was the key note speaker at a Justice for Peace Forum in Ulfborg, Denmark on May 11-13, 2018.
20 minute Video
Political Forum 2017 presented at SFU by Jeannie Kamins
Jamie Swift, co-author of “The Vimy Trap” reminds peace activists of theĀ entrenched mythology of celebrating imperial wars as theĀ defenders of national freedom.
Peace Summit – University of Victoria -May 13, 2017
56 minute video.
Teresa GagnĆØ examines the significance of the Peace Poppies Initiative. 17 minute video.
Tim DeChristopher, connecting the Dots between war, environmental crisis,and capitalism, [as the inherent results of the lack of direct democracy] followed by Jill Stein – Part 1
Jill Stein followed by Questions – Part 2
The Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence – Part 3
The Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence – Part 4
Edward Snowden, Elizabeth Murray, Annie Machon, Daniel Ellsberg, Thomas Drake, Ray McGovern, Ann Wright, John Kiriakou.- Part 5 video
Commemorating theĀ victims of USA atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in August 1945
The Physicians for Global Survival and The Vancouver Island Peace and Disarmament Network present: Poet Rudi Hoensen,Ā The “Getting Higher Choir”, The Raging Grannies, BC Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon, and Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen.
The Environmental Alliance and UVicĀ Social Justice Studies present a forum with Kasia Tokarska, a climate change researcher, Tamara Lorincz of the Int’l Peace Bureau, and Emeritus Professor Dr. James Tully describing the difference between “Power Over” and “Power With”
29 minute video – UVic, Canada, – March 14, 2017
Randy Jenzen, the organizer of the 2016 International Peace Conference in Nelson, BC, Canada, explains why he continues to raise awareness of peace and justice in our chaotic world.
7 minute video.
Rafi Nets-Zehngut – The Israeli “Popular Memory” of the Israeli-Arab/Palestinian conflict.
Professor Richard Jackson shows through his research that nonviolence does work.
Citizens’ Climate Lobby by Laura Sacks
Polly Walker,talks about The Conflict Transformation Potential of Performance.
Kingian Nonviolence in Education with Jim Handley
Defense Spending and GDP – by Bodrun Nahar.
Racial Identity with Jesse Pineiro
Peace Credits with Furquan Gehlen
Okanagan Lyrics with Renee Jackson-Harper
Militant Research by Michael Loadenthal.
Demilitarization for Decarbonization by Tamara Lorincz
Nonviolence in Ireland’s Independence by Patrick Van Wegen
Gardening for Peace by Tim A. Collardey and Elizabeth Kimjin Collardey”
Richard Sanders, editor of “Press for Conversion” magazine, talks about the war syndrome and its captivating mass psychosis.
Are we culpable for our cultural wrong doing?
29 minute video.
Robert Fantina talks about the possibilities of abolishing WAR
A revival of The gospel of love, peace and justice was reminded by Ingo Schmidt and other activists in Vancouver, Canada, on November 15, 2015
Policy of Austerity -by Ingo Schmidt – 4:44
the Logic of Austerity – By Ingo Schmidt 6:11
the Triple “A” Credit – by Ingo Schmidt 6:19
Uniting Economies by Perpetual Wars – by Ingo Schmidt 4:53
The Reasons for War – by Ingo Schmidt 10:35
What Can We Do? – by Ingo Schmidt 6:20
EU Austerity for Ukraine – by Roger Annis – 14 min. video
EU Austerity for Greece – by Sid Shniad – 14 min. Video
A book review about “Big business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America.
By: Ben Isitt, Bill Carroll, Carlos Flores, and Author Richard Roman.
3 minute-video
Chris Hedges explains the parallel between Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick” and our current culture.
3-minute video
Dr. Howard Caygill explains the capacity to resist, the abstract theory of violence, the challenge to power, the ideas of escalation to war, the need to resist in the face of enmity as central values for political action.
29 minutes video
Ingo Schmidt, talks about the history of Imperial wars and how social democrats have been coopted by capitalism and patriotism.
Imperialism = Part 1 of 2 videos – 15 minutes each.
Imperialism = Part 2 of 2 videos – 15 minutes each
Erosion in the Educational System in BC
Socialism for the 21st Century.
ALBA: a Trade Treaty for Cooperation, not Competition.
Ingo Schmidt: Euro-critics, Left AND Right: Unravelling Troika-Power?
Gary Cristall: The Reappearance of Everything Old.
Roger Annis on NATO and Ukraine.
Prof. Minqi Li.explains the restructuring of Capitalism, from crisis to crisis
Prof. William Geimer remembers the story of an unsung hero: Emily Hobhouse.
29:30 video
Jamie Swift, author of “Warrior Nation”, remembers war with empathy for all the dead soldiers, not as heroes, but as victims.
Prof. Erik Olin Wright suggests undermining the capitalist system, by not participating in it, and by not alleviating the pitfalls of capitalism. He suggests developing and participating in non-profit enterprises like cooperatives, credit unions, and non-proprietary computer software. To challenge capitalism is to be independent as much as possible from it.
Part 1 of 2 – 15 minute videos.
Father John Dear calls for a grassroots nonviolent revolution, starting with self nonviolence and expanding it to all living beings.
Part 1 of 2 – 15 min. videos
Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways that it has shaped our development and our society. Taken from a lecture given by Jeremy Rifkin as part of the RSA’s free public events programme.
2013 World Peace Forum
Roger Rashi explains how to build a new solidarity party. Tara Ehrcke reports of the building of a new eco-socialist party in BC, and Michael Lebowitz explains the participatory governance of the Venezuelan Unity Party. At the end, they all listen politely to Ion Delsol’s suggestion of Perpetual Direct Democracy by polling & referenda.
History and Crisis of the Left Movement by Gary Cristall – Part 1
History and Crisis of the Left Movement by Gary Cristall – Part 2
Eroding the Health Care Services by Rachel Tutte – Part 1
Eroding the Health Care Services by Rachel Tutte – Part 2
Why Ecosocialism by Brad Hornick from the Vancouver Ecosocialist Group
Climate Emergency by Roger Annis
Change Political Parties or Change Political Systems – by Roger Rashi
Electoral Strategies – by Roger Rashi
Greens and Reds Cooperation in Europe by Ingo Schmidt- Part 1
Greens and Reds Cooperation in Europe by Ingo Schmidt – Part 2
Marty Frost spoke about cooperatives as the alternative to capitalism.
Co-ops with Marty Frost – Pt.1 video
Co-ops with Marty Frost – Pt.2 video
Political Scientist R.B. Herath, PhD finds the origins of wars in greed, hatred, power, and identity politics. He prescribes as solutions: empathy, equality, forgiveness, and respect for all humankind.
The annual lantern ceremony, marking the 68th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Japan.
General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries In 5 yrs.
Rosalie Riegle, from Evanston, illinois, USA, has written two books about the “Necessity of Defense”, a term used by human rights and peace activists, to justify their actions of protest against unjust state laws.
29 minute video.
In an effort to raise mainstream awareness of civilian deaths, which began to be acceptable in the Great War, and whose numbers far exceed military casualties. William Geimer lays s wreath at 5 a.m. This was the exact time the armistice was signed, but it did not go into effect until six hours later, and during those six hours, attacks continued and nearly 3,000 died.
This summer, In August, Raging Grannies from Victoria, Vancouver and all over North America gathered in Victoria for a 4 day Unconvention to celebrate their 25 anniversary.
During their Unconverntion they took time out on August 9th to commemorate the atomicĀ bombings of the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima by the United States during the final stages of World War II in 1945.
Know Thy History
To better understand what is happening in Syria, Iran, and Palestine we need to look back into history. Brian Willson is an American veteran who shares his learnings on his book “Blood on the Tracks”
The End of Illusions
Professor Gary Teeple speaks at the 2011 World Peace Forum, in Vancouver, Canada, about Industrial and Capitalist Utopias, Unlimited Resources and Universal Wealth.
Professor Henry Heller, from the University of Manitoba, Canada, speaks at the World Peace Forum 2010, in Vancouver, Canada, about his book “The Cold War and the New Imperialism”
Professor Henry Heller, from the University of Manitoba, Canada, speaks at the World Peace Forum 2010, in Vancouver, Canada, about his book “The Cold War and the New Imperialism”
Professor Henry Heller, from the University of Manitoba, Canada, speaks at the World Peace Forum 2010, in Vancouver, Canada, about his book “The Cold War and the New Imperialism”
McCarthyism – Part 2
Roger Keeran, a labour and policy studies coordinator at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies in New York, explains what McCarthyism was and was not during the 50’s
Venezuelan-American Eva Golinger documents on her latest book, “Bush vs. Chavez”, about the ongoing war lead by Washington against the social justice revolution in Venezuela.
Venezuelan-American Eva Golinger documents on her latest book, “Bush vs. Chavez”, about the ongoing war lead by Washington against the social justice revolution in Venezuela.
Venezuelan-American Eva Golinger documents on her latest book, “Bush vs. Chavez”, about the ongoing war lead by Washington against the social justice revolution in Venezuela.
Venezuelan-American Eva Golinger documents on her latest book, “Bush vs. Chavez”, about the ongoing war lead by Washington against the social justice revolution in Venezuela.
John Riddell, editor of, gives a historical analysis of Venezuelan Socialism.
John Riddell, the editor of socialistvoice,com, spoke at a Vancouver conference about the historical trnasition of Venezuela into socialism.