Archive for Justice and Peace
She spoke at the Cadboro Bay United Church in the Lekuwengen territories of BC, Canada on March 15, 2020
David Barsamian, broadcaster and author. launches his latest book about his interviews with the late Edward W. Said.
Aboriginal Palestinians and some Israeli-Jews want you to come and see for yourself what is happening in Palestine/Israel. A United Church minister from Duncan, BC, Canada took up the challenge and here is what he learned.
Sahar Vardi is a Jerusalem based activist. She publicly refused her military service and was imprisoned in 2008. Since then she has been active with Israeli anti-militarist groups.
Tarek Al-Zoughbi is a Christian Palestinian American, who was raised in the little town of Bethlehem.
Sahar and Tarek answer questions about Palestine/Israel. 30 minute video
Jonathan Kuttab, a Palestinian-American lawyer, brings his historic and futurist perspective about a Palestine/Israel State with legislated human rights for all it’s residents, regardless of ethnicity or religion.
Adrian Fine, a member of Independent Jewish Voices, describes the difficulties of challenging anti-Palestinian tribalism.
William Geimer, retired trial lawyer, speaks on the international law of self-defence and Israel’s perversion of it.
Michael Carpenter, post-doctoral fellow at the University of Victoria speaks to life under occupation, Palestinian resistance, and Canada’s misguided response.
CPT volunteers are committed to witness human rights violations around the world. This 40 minute presentation was given by a CPT member in Victoria, BC, Canada on August 23, 2018
Rabbi David Mivasair explains his own personal journey from Zionism to knowing the truth about Israel. Speaking at the Esquimalt United Church in Victoria BC, he says that he is encouraged by the newly formed Canada Palestine Parliamentary Friendship group, who recently returned from a witness trip to Palestine, and are now speaking out, so we need to thank them for their courage, and as individuals we also need to speak out for Palestine.
Robert Massoud, founder of Zatoun Fair Trade Olive Oil from Palestine, believes that the only way to save human life on the planet is to rescue international law and global governance from irrelevance. The best place to begin is a true and just peace in Israel-Palestine. Insisting on applying international law and an end to coddling and protecting Israel’s actions in world forums will bring back leadership and moral authority to set a new agenda. What is at stake is no less than healing the planet. Robert spoke at the Esquimalt United Church, Victoria BC.
Dr. Ramzy Baroud presents the Palestinian Narrative at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada on February 28, 2018
Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.
EAPPI – A vision of justice and peace in Palestine and Israel brings internationals human rights monitors to witness life under occupation.
Life Under Occupation Part 2
Life Under Occupation Part 3
Life Under Occupation Part 4
Life Under Occupation Part 5
Questions and Information
Ann Wright, a retired US Army Colonel speaks in Vancouver Canada about the manufactured threat of North Korea
Peter Wilson from New Zealand Brings solidarity greetings to Hands off North Korea forum
Michel Chossudovsky – Part 1
Michel Chossudovsky – Part 2
Michel Chossudovsky – Part 3
Michel Chossudovsky – Part 4
Composer, performer and co-founder of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, speaks in Vancouver about why Canada should Boycott, Divest and Sanction the State of Israel until human right of Palestinians are fully implemented.
October 26, 2017 – Vancouver, Canada
Brad Parker, talks about the ill treatment of Palestinian children by the Israeli military.
He spoke in Winnipeg, Canada, at the Canadian United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel,
Sept 2017.
William S. Geimer, a retired law professor and author of the book “The Case for Staying Out of Other People’s War”, asking Canadians to stop following British and American wars, and to become a peace keeping country.
29 minute video – Salt Spring Island, Canada, March 10, 2017
Israeli Ruth Edmonds gives a chronological account of the State of Israel, while Palestinian Mazin Qumsiyeh talks about the ethnic/religious exclusivity of Zionism which produces violent occupation and segregation.
Recorded in Palestine 2014 – edited in 2017 – 28 minute video.
Terry Wolfwood reports with a slide presentation on her recent journey to Palestine.
“Palestinian Genocide and Canadian State Complicity,” Hanna Kawas in dialogue with Sid Shniad.
At SFU Vancouver, Canada – October 8, 2016 – 28 minute video.
Gail Davidson speaks about the U.N Convention Against Torture, and Canada’s failure to comply with it.
Dimiti Lascaris, former justice critic of the Green Party of Canada, expressed his struggles with the Green Party’s Leader and her shadow cabinet, who are trying to dilute to irrelevance the already watered down BDS resolution, recently accepted by the majority of party members.
29 minute video
Canadian Quaker, Colin Stuart, explains how his research shows that our Canadian pension money is being invested in companies that have direct ties with the military occupation of Palestine
A few peace promoters, from Canada and the USA, relentlessly persevere with the message of empathy and peace.
29 minute video.
David Zarembka, a Quaker, came to Victoria, Canada to explain peaceful methods of managing conflict and trauma. He is also looking for support for the Friends Peace Teams in The African Great Lakes.
29-minute video
David Swanson spoke in Seattle, Washington on April 15, 2016 about his latest book: “War is a Lie”
29 minute video
Heidar Abu Ghosh and Peter Golden explain how the Canada Park was financed by the National Jewish Fund, over the demolition of Palestinian homes.
29 minute video
Amnesty International Leader Alex Neve explains the insecurity of the new Canadian Law C-51
SFU-HC Vancouver Canada – 2015 – Sep. 16.
29 minute video
Forum on Bill C 51
– Micheal Vonn, BC Civil Liberties Association
– Dr. Samir Gandesha, Director of SFU Institute for the Humanities
– Charles Boylan, Coordinator of the Working Group to Stop Bill C-51
SFU – Vancouver – Canada – February 28, 2016
29 minute video
Yonatan Shapira was an Israeli air force pilot who resigned in protest after finding out that the military was being asked to do something that was against his core Jewish values. He and 26 other pilots signed a letter telling the Israeli government that they would not fly over Gaza and the West Bank. Yonatan helped found “Combatants for Peace” and is now a member of “Boycott from Within”.
Yonatan’s answers to questions part one
Yonatan’s answers to questions part two
Dr. Bill Dienst talks about his trip last Spring (2015) to Gaza. He has been to Gaza 4 times with the Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility. International doctors go to teach and give support to Palestinian doctors who labour on under horrific Israeli bombings and occupation.
Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, speaks about what is wrong with Zionism, and what can we do about it.
3 minute highlights.
For an extended version of his presentation and other speakers select the links below.
History of Christian Zionism by Dr. Naim Ateek- 29 minute video
Undermining Justice by Dr. Don Wagner – 14 minute video
Zionism’s Influence in Synagogues by Rabbi David Mivasair – 14 minute video
The Ottawa-Tel Aviv axis by Yves Engler – 14 minute video
Zionism’s Power and Influence by Ron Dart – 14 minute video
A Jewish – Christian conversation by Rabbi Alissa Wise – 14 minute video
Amos Gvirtz, a Jewish citizen of Israel, advocates for the Bedovin Palestinians’ rights. 3 minute highlights.
The extended presentation of 29 minutes can be seen at
One Sided War – 29 minute video
Dr. Martin Bunton teaches history at the University of Victoria, Canada. These are segments of his presentation explaining the origins of ISIS, on March 5, 2015.
Israeli, Jeff Halper on a recent speaking tour across Canada speaks about how it has been almost impossible for Palestinians to get permits to build their homes since 1948, Homes built without a permit makes them subject to demolition. Halper says that it is a way of trying to get the Palestinians to leave. He tells the story of Salim and his family, who have had their home demolished eight times and Israelis Against House Demolitions have rebuilt it each time.
Omar Barghouti explains that “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” is the most effective nonviolent
popular resistance and solidarity movement with Palestinians in the world today.
Jeff Halper, founder of Israelis Against House Demolitions, speaking in Duncan BC, explains that what is happening in Israel and Palestine matters to Canadians and the rest of the world.
Sahar Vardii, an Israeli, talks about how militarism is so ingrained in the Israeli school system and society, that Israelis see it as normal.
Sahar Vardi an Israeli citizens talks about who benefits from the militarization of Israel’s society.
Sahar Vardi’s video part 2
Omar Barghouti explains that BDS is the most effective nonviolent popular resistant and solidarity movement with Palestinians in the world today.BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) video/a>
Lawyer, Gerard Horton from the organization Military Court Watch explains the circumstances around a Palestinian child’s arrest and what happens during the first 24 hours of that arrest by the Israeli military.
Military Court Watch Video part 1
Military Court Watch part two
Military Court Watch Q&A
Lawyer Salwa Duaibis is a a founding member of Military Court Watch and Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling..In this video Salwa talks about her work with families who have had children incarcerated in Israeli prisons.
Human Rights in Palestine by Salwa Dauibis
Cindy, from the Christian Peacemaker Teams explains the difficult situation for Palestinians living in Hebron with the Ideological settlers and the Israeli military.CPT video
In Dec. 2014 Robert and Maurine Tobin went to Gaza to witness and report on the horrible bombing of Gaza by the Israeli Military in July of that year. They were devastated by what they saw: houses, apartment buildings, schools, factories, the zoo and children’s playgrounds were all destroyed. 250,000 people are now homeless and 10,895 are wounded and 2,191 were killed. Maurine says, what is common knowledge in Israel and that is “Gaza is used as a testing ground for the Israeli Military hardware”.
Ruth Edmonds, an Israeli, explains the terror that Palestinians experience when having their homes demolished, and she explains the State of Israel’s rational for giving the demolition orders.
Ruth Edmonds talks about the illegal separation wall in Palestine: the cost and why it is not for security The Israeli Separation Wall video
Israeli Jeff Halper explains why he thinks a “One State” solution is now the only option left for peace in Israel and Palestine.Jeff Halper’s video
Mazin Qumsiyeh emphasis that the problem is colonization and the occupation is a symptom of that. He also explains why he thinks that this colonization will fail just as all the others have that were tried in that area. Mazin Qumsiyeh’s video
Ron Dart, Professor of Political Science and Religious Studies, University of the Fraser Valley, BC explains the roots and responses of Christian Zionism in Canada.
Part 1 of 2 – 15 minutes videos.
Christian Zionism in Canada - Part 2 of 2 video
Celebrating the International Peace Day on september 21, people in Victoria, Canada paraded with puppets to the house of the Lieutenant Governor of BC.
Prime-Minister Harper is an “honorary Conservative American” says Ariel Salzmann, Associate Professor at Queen’s University
Patrick Cockburn is an Irish journalist who has been a Middle East correspondent since 1979 for the Financial Times and, presently, The Independent. Among the most experienced commentators on Iraq, he has written four books on the country’s recent history. Cockburn’s latest book is The Jihadis Return: ISIS and the New Sunni Uprising. – Given his background, what American Jewish leader Henry Siegman has to say about Israel’s founding in 1948 through the current assault on Gaza may surprise you.
Citizens of Victoria gather to make and float lanterns in commemoration the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and to say no to all wars!
Citizens of Victoria and Vancouver Island gather to show their support for the victims of Israels bombing raids in Gaza and they say,
“Violence is not the answer”.
Rally in Support of Gaza part 1 of 3
Rally in Support of Gaza part 2 of 3
Rally in Support of Gaza part 3 of 3
End the Violence: Support BDS
Dominicus Rohde, a director of the Schengen Peace Foundation, calls for the European Union to open its doors to the world.
Closing Ceremony, with Dominicus Rohde – June 22, 2014 Perl, Germany
Improving Representative Democracy – with Marcus van der Erve
Restorative Justice and Retributive Justice – Dr. Jaime Cardenas
CAUX Initiatives of Change by Charles Danguy
Europe’s Unfinished Business – Adrian Dan Pop
Historical Background of Turkey
European Union and Turkey
Peace for Kashmir
War as Means to Peace
International Institutions in Pakistan – To help or hinder?
Pakistan and the Taliban
Make Profits Illegal – part 1 by Metissia Singer
Make Profits Illegal – part 2 by Metissia Singer
Ambassadors For Peace – Dr. Martha Llanos
War Is a Profitable business. by Dr. Christian Barkei and Naveed Elahi
Uncollected taxes and Economic Justice by Dirk Loehr
Peaceful Evolution of Poland – Ambassador Bartosz Jatowiecki
Calling for Peace Ministries – Part 1 – Aditya Sharma
Calling for Peace Ministries – Part 2 – Aditya Sharma
International NGOs promoting peace
The People of Maidan – Ukraine
The Eurepean Parliament Explained by Christoph Schroeder, Luxembourg.
Opening ceremony – Mayor Ben Homan – Schengen, Luxembourg -June 18, 2014.
Robert Morales examines how the practice of relying exclusively on domestic law has made it difficult to escape entrenched colonial assumptions.
Kobi Snitz, an Israeli with “Anarchists Against the Wall”, supports the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” campaign.
2 – 15 minute videos
Tony Benn’s talk at the 2003 Conference in Cairo is just as relevant today. He is one of the greats who inspired and encouraged. He will be greatly missed!
This educational documentary about Fallujah demonstrates that war is a legalized, premeditated, mass murder.
Chilean Authors Carmen Rodriguez and Carmen Aguirre, read excerpts from their books remembering the CIA backed, military coup of 1973.09.11
15 minute video
“They [inspectors] will be fabricating the evidence. We are aware of that,” said Gordon Duff, senior editor with Veterans Today from Ohio.
“This is very much an act of desperation. It’s driven by the Israeli lobby in the United States. The UN will be working with it and it is quite possible that the Obama administration will administer what we will say is some sort of perfunctory attack against Syria in a haphazard manner in order to silence critics and move on…. It would be a shame if that were to happen. It would be duplicitous, cowardly and stupid. Frankly, it’s also likely,” the analyst added.
Dr.Abed Takrit discusses the distinction between ‘peace’ and ‘pacification’. It argues that Israeli policy-backed by Canada and the US- is premised on the latter concept, which entails the suppression of the indigenous Palestinian people through the combined use of armed force, diplomatic pressure, political co-optation, and false promises.
Peace and Pacification – Part 2
Peace and Pacification – Part 3
Jeoff Cowper chaired a committee to make recommendations to reform the BC Justice System.
Two part video. 29 minutes each.
Miko Peled, “The General’s Son”, is an Israeli who advocates for a secular state with real democracy, where all residents of Palestine, Jews and Arabs, have equal rights.
Two 29:00 minute videos.
March to Mount PKOLS summit, oral history of PKOLS, re-enactment of the 1852 Douglas Treaty, signing of PKOLS 2013 Declaration, and installing of sign.
29 minutes video.
Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan, a researcher and advocate of nonviolence, speaks about the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty.
29 minute video
Globalization of Capital by Gary Teeple & Martin Landsberg
Neo Liberalism in Europe by Ingo Schmidt
Neo Liberalism in South America by Gary Cristall.
Sarah Bjorknas questions Canada’s affiliation to NATO
Eric Doherty speaks about changing the system, not the environment.
Occupy Socialism – by Ingo Schmidt – Part 1
Occupy Socialism – by Ingo Schmidt – Part 2
Occupy Socialism – by Ingo Schmidt – Part 3
Clayton Pecknold and Lynda Cavanaugh from the BC Ministry of Justice speak about the police modernizing plans of the future while some councillors question the perpetual planning.
The director of the Restorative Justice Program in Grand Forks, Canada explains what restorative justice is and how it works.
This summer, In August, Raging Grannies from Victoria, Vancouver and all over North America gathered in Victoria for a 4 day Unconvention to celebrate their 25 anniversary.
During their Unconverntion they took time out on August 9th to commemorate the atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima by the United States during the final stages of World War II in 1945.
Vancouver Hearing on the Department of Peace Initiative Bill C 373
Add your vote of support on
A video presentation talking about the increasing number of human rights violations, including extrajudicial killings, are perpetrated against environmental activists and human rights defenders in the Philippines, including against those who express concern about Canadian and other foreign mining projects.
Simon Lewchuck and Joe Gunn, from Citizens for Public Justice, talk about Christians being called to walk with the poor, but they wonder if the charitable approaches are bringing an end to poverty or perpetuating it?
Canadian poet and engineer, Ehab Lotayef, from the Canadian Boat to Gaza speaks about the history of the flotillas, and the Canadian boat,”Tahrir”, which challenged the blockade of Gaza in November, 2011, and about Canada’s role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Know Thy History
To better understand what is happening in Syria, Iran, and Palestine we need to look back into history. Brian Willson is an American veteran who shares his learnings on his book “Blood on the Tracks”
David McKee, the president of the Canadian Peace Congress, is touring across the country to promote the withdrawal of Canada from NATO
29 minute – video –
Michael Riordon reading from his book “Our Way to Fight: Peace-Work Under Siege in Israel-Palestine,” talks about the experiences of repressed and silenced people working for peace in Palestine and Israel.
Derrick O’keefe, from supports the message behind the occupy movement across the world.
Rea Abileah from describes, at the 2011 World Peace Forum, where do we go from here
Nadia Habib teaches and researches Egyptian Culture at York University in Toronto.
Benjamin Isitt speaks at the World Peace Forum 2011 in Vancouver, Canada.
Victoria forum about the Omnibus Bill C 10 which would make Canada not safer, but meaner.
29 minute video
A video presentation of Zalman Amit and Daphna Levit talking about their book, Israeli Rejectionism.. This book delves deep into the peace process to find out why so little progress has been made on the key issues.
McCarthyism – Part 2
Roger Keeran, a labour and policy studies coordinator at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies in New York, explains what McCarthyism was and was not during the 50’s
Roger Keeran, a labor and policy studies coordinator at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies in New York, explains what McCarthyism was and was not during the 50’s
Barry Gan, from St. Bonaventure University, answers the question in 4 parts: 1.- Focus on local issues. 2.- Focus on Non-cooperation or civil disobedience, not on law breaking and violent confrontation. 3.- Define and pursue a clear alternative. 4.- Offer a choice: Do as I wish, or make me suffer.
He added that Peace activists should recognize that there is good and evil in everyone of us, and that the focus should be not on peace, but on “non-violence” .
Gordon Fellman from Brandeis University spoke at the Peace and Justice Studies conference at the University of Winnipeg about his book: “The Business of War and the Business of Peace”
Prof. John Ryan talks about his experience in Afghanistan when there was a progressive secular government who enacted progressive reforms and gave equal rights to women.Dr. Ryan answers the question, “What happened to that Government?”
Prof. John Ryan talks about his experience in Afghanistan when there was a progressive secular government who enacted progressive reforms and gave equal rights to women. He explains how this happen and what reforms they brought in. All photos in the video were taken by John Ryan during his time in Afghanistan.
Michael Keefer, a University of Guelph professor, has written a book: “Antisemitism: Real and Imagined” . He also deconstructs the ideology of the New-Antisemitism as proclaimed by the “Canadian Parliamentary Committee to Combat Antisemitism”, CPCCA
Michael Keefer, a University of Guelph professor, has written a book: “Antisemitism: Real and Imagined” . He also deconstructs the ideology of the New-Antisemitism as proclaimed by the “Canadian Parliamentary Committee to Combat Antisemitism”, CPCCA
Michael Keefer, a University of Guelph professor, deconstructs the “New- Antisimeitic” theory advanced by the Canadian Parliamentary Committee to Combat Antisemitism, CPCCA
Andrew Marshall explains the myths and power of Bankers, and the myth and cooptation of politicians.
He calls for the shifting of political decisions from the wealthy elite and coopted politicians to the people. In other words from selected by the elite representatives, to direct democracy by us, the people.
Andrew Marshall – part 2
Ingo Schmidt – Workers and Peace Activists Unite – part 1
Ingo Schmidt -Workers and Peace Activists Unite – part 2
Alison Ayers – Fascism – part 1
Alison Ayers – Fascism
Ingo Schmidt – Marxism Vs. Keynesianism – part 1
Ingo Schmidt – Marxism Vs. Keynesianism – part 2
Miguel Figueroa – Popular Front United with Capitalists.
Dan Labotz – Socialism Independent from Capitalism
Miguel Figueroa and Dan Labotz rebuttle
Joel Kovel – Capitalism: the Enemy of Nature – Part 1
Joel Kovel -Capitalism: the Enemy of Nature – Part 2
Joel Kovel -Capitalism: the Enemy of Nature – Part 3
Opportunities and Contradictions of the Left – part 1
Opportunities and Contradictions of the Left – part 2
Opportunities and Contradictions of the Left – part 3
Mark Leier – Labour: a Partner to Capitalist Interests – part 1
Mark Leier – Labour: a Partner to Capitalist Interests – part 2
Jeoff Mann – the Arsenal of Democracy
Peter Prontzos – Military Expenditures – part 1
Peter Prontzos – Military Expenditures – part 2
Peter Prontzos – Military Expenditures – part 3
Greg Albo – Bail-outs to revive capitalism will lead to the next economic crisis
Beverly Silver – Capitalism, Profits, and Crisis.
Fairfax Culpepper – Military Funding Vs. Education Funding
Ingo Schmidt suggests peace activists in Vancouver, Canada to move from abstract utopia to concrete utopia.
International Human rights and Humanitarian Law Lectures by Lawyers’ Rights Watch, Canada
International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Lectures by Lawyers’ Rights, Canada
Jon Elmer, a Toronto writer and photojournalist, speaks at the Vancouver Public Library on the commemoration of the 40th year of Israeli Military Occupation of Palestine
NATO: A gang of bellicose nations to coerce and subvert the United Nations.
NATO: A gang of bellicose nations to coerce and subvert the United Nations.
Dr. Joel Kovel answers to some questions about Israeli apartheid, and supports the “one state” solution for Palestine.
Dr. Joel Kovel supports the “one state solution” with equal rights to all citizens of Palestine. He also advocates boycotting the present Israeli aparthied.
Dr. Joel Kovel supports the “one state solution” to overcome the present israeli aparthied on Palestine.
Jack Layton, the leader of the New Democratic Party, does not like the democratic idea of recall. He is critical of NATO and NORAD but, he is not asking for Canada’s a withdrawal.
13 minutes – Quick Time movie
Steve Staples, of the Polaris Institure in Ottawa, speaks about Canadian foriegn policy.
11 minutes – Windows Media video
All parties in Canada, support the war of occupation in Afghanistan.
Terry Engles, the president of ILWU 400, speaks about developing the issue of peace in the trade union movement.
7 minutes Quick Time video.
Byers and Mcdonogh differ with Peace Activists
9 minute Windows Media video
Dr. Michel Byers supports the NDP position of intervention in Afghanistan.
12 minute Windows Media video.
Th World Pecace Forum explores a question from the floor about all Canadian paries supporting the intervention in Afghanistan.
8 minutes Windows Media video. Broadband/LAN
Ingo Schmidt, a German academic residing in Canada, speaks of the European experience within the labour movement.
10 minutes Quick time video
Alexa Mcdonogh, NDP MP, declares her position in regards to Canada’s intervention in Afghanistan.
8 minute Windows Media video
A World Peace Forum 2006 on Canadian Forigen Policy with Steve Staples.
Deborah Bourque, the president of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, speaks at the World Peace forum 2006
8 minutes – Windows Media video Broadband/LAN